1,142 research outputs found

    Synthesizing judgements: a functional equations approach

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    AbstractWe discuss several conditions which are reasonable requirements for functions synthesizing either ratio or measure judgements (or both) and determine all synthesizing functions satisfying either shorter or longer lists of such assumptions (yielding more general or more specific synthesizing procedures, respectively)

    Aproximación a la probabilidad en el aula de educación primaria. Un estudio de caso sobre los primeros elementos lingüísticos

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    El lenguaje desempeña un rol fundamental en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la matemática, especialmente de la probabilidad, debido a la estrecha relación existente entre las expresiones de uso común y el lenguaje de corte matemático o probabilístico. En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de los primeros elementos lingüísticos vinculados al lenguaje probabilístico presentes en dos sesiones de clase de un segundo curso de Educación Primaria de una escuela chilena. Para ello, nos hemos centrado en cuatro grandes focos que promueven el lenguaje probabilístico y el desarrollo de la alfabetización probabilística: lenguaje verbal, lenguaje numérico, lenguaje tabular y lenguaje gráfico. Los resultados muestran un fuerte predominio de términos y expresiones verbales provenientes del lenguaje común vinculadas principalmente al significado intuitivo de la probabilidad, que transitan hacia conceptos de corte probabilístico

    Characterizations of inner product structures involving the radius of the inscribed or circumscribed circumference

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    summary:We define the radius of the inscribed and circumscribed circumferences in a triangle located in a real normed space and we obtain new characterizations of inner product spaces

    Water relations and vulnerability to embolism are not related: Experiments with eight grapevine cultivars

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    Drought tolerance mechanisms at the leaf level have been reported for grapevines but less is known about their vulnerability to embolism caused by water stress. The objective of this experiment was to determine if there is a relationship between xylem hydraulic characteristics and drought resistance mechanisms at the leaf level. The experiment was carried out on 10-year-old plants of 8 V. vinifera cvs: 'Sauvignon Blanc', 'Chardonnay', 'Cabernet Sauvignon', 'White Grenache', 'Black Grenache', 'Alicante Bouschet', 'Tempranillo', and 'Parellada' grown under field conditions without irrigation under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Embolism vulnerability curves were drawn for each cultivar. Values of the osmotic potential at full turgor, and at the turgor loss point, and the leaf bulk modulus of elasticity were obtained from pressure-volume curves on 4 different dates, from berries at pea size until harvest. All cultivars except 'Chardonnay', which showed elastic adjustment, showed osmoregulation but different patterns in vulnerability curves were found for each cultivar. While 'Parellada', 'Tempranillo' and 'Black Grenache' proved to have the most vulnerable xylem, 'Chardonnay' and 'Sauvignon Blanc' were shown to have the least vulnerable xylem to embolism. There was no relationship between the level of vulnerability to embolism for each cultivar and the drought tolerance mechanisms at the leaf level under the environmental conditions of this experiment. &nbsp

    Methods for the efficient measurement of phased mission system reliability and component importance

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    An increasing number of systems operate over a number of consecutive time periods, in which their reliability structure and the consequences of failure differ, in order to perform some overall operation. Each distinct time period is known as a phase and the overall operation is known as a phased mission. Generally, a phased mission fails immediately if the system fails at any point and is considered a success only if all phases are completed without failure. The work presented in this thesis provides efficient methods for the prediction and optimisation of phased mission reliability. A number of techniques and methods for the analysis of phased mission reliability have been previously developed. Due to the component and system failure time dependencies introduced by the phases, the computational expense of these methods is high and this limits the size of the systems that can be analysed in reasonable time frames on modern computers. Two importance measures, which provide an index of the influence of each component on the system reliability, have also been previously developed. This is useful for the optimisation of the reliability of a phased mission, however a much larger number have been developed for non-phased missions and the different perspectives and functions they provide are advantageous. This thesis introduces new methods as well as improvements and extensions to existing methods for the analysis of both non-repairable and repairable systems with an emphasis on improved efficiency in the derivation of phase and mission reliability. New importance measures for phased missions are also presented, including interpretations of those currently available for non-phased missions. These provide a number of interpretations of component importance, allowing those most suitable in a given context to be employed and thus aiding in the optimisation of mission reliability. In addition, an extensive computer code has been produced that implements and tests the majority of the newly developed techniques and methods.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    An evaluation of the Hitachi 705 analyser

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    An evaluation of the Eppendorf EPOS 5060 biochemistry autoanalyser

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    INCIDENCIA DE CARDIOPATÍAS DURANTE EL EMBARAZO EN LA PROVINCIA DE VILLA CLARA / Incidence of heart disease during pregnancy in Villa Clara province

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    ResumenIntroducción y objetivos: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen la cuarta causa de muerte durante el período gravídico-puerperal, y un indicador de morbilidad y mortalidad para el producto de la concepción. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el comportamiento de la cardiopatía en la embarazada, su atención médica y evolución durante y al final del embarazo. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, donde se analizaron 283 gestantes con diagnóstico de cardiopatía, atendidas en el Hospital Universitario Gineco-Obstétrico "Mariana Grajales" de Santa Clara, Villa Clara, en el período 2008-2010. La información se obtuvo mediante la revisión de las historias clínicas individuales, interrogatorio, examen físico completo, así como pruebas complementarias para establecer o confirmar el diagnóstico. Resultados: Se obtuvo una incidencia de 17,2 cardiopatías por cada mil gestantes y en el 59,7 % de ellas, la cardiopatía era adquirida; el prolapso valvular mitral fue la más frecuente (45 %). De las congénitas, el 36,8 % se trataba de una comunicación interauricular. Se utilizó antibioprofilaxis en el 96,8 % de las embarazadas y en el 96,1 % de ellas se mantuvo un seguimiento médico. El 92,6 % tenía clase funcional I y 4,6 % presentó complicación por su enfermedad. El 77,4 % parió entre las 37 y 42 semanas, y el 82,7 % tuvo parto eutócico. Conclusiones: Las gestantes cardiópatas fueron más frecuentes en edades entre 20 y 29 años, con predominio de las que no habían parido, captación entre las 13 y 24 semanas, y cardiopatías adquiridas. La atención médica que prevaleció fue la antibioprofilaxis y el seguimiento médico con evolución final del embarazo satisfactoria. / AbstractIntroduction and Objectives: Cardiovascular diseases are the fourth leading cause of death during the gravid-puerperal period, and an indicator of morbidity and mortality for the product of conception. The objective of this research was to determine the behavior of heart disease in pregnant women, its medical care and evolution during and after pregnancy. Method: A prospective descriptive study was performed, which analyzed 283 pregnant women diagnosed with heart disease, and treated at the Obstetrics and Gynecology University Hospital "Mariana Grajales" in Santa Clara, Villa Clara, in the period 2008-2010. Information was obtained through review of individual medical records, interview, complete physical examination and laboratory tests to establish or confirm the diagnosis. Results: A heart disease incidence of 17.2 per thousand pregnant women was obtained and in 59.7% of them, the heart disease was acquired, and the mitral valve prolapse was the most frequent (45%). Of the congenital diseases, 36.8% was an atrial septal defect. Antibiotic prophylaxis was used in 96.8% of pregnant women and in 96.1% of them a medical monitoring was kept. 92.6% had functional class I and 4.6% presented disease-related complications. 77.4% gave birth between 37 and 42 weeks, and 82.7% had vaginal delivery. Conclusions: Pregnant women with heart disease were more common in ages 20 to 29 years, predominantly in those who had not given birth, whose pregnancies had been detected between 13 and 24 weeks, and with acquired heart diseases. The prevailing medical care was antibiotic prophylaxis and medical monitoring with satisfactory final outcome of pregnancy

    Preassociative aggregation functions

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    The classical property of associativity is very often considered in aggregation function theory and fuzzy logic. In this paper we provide axiomatizations of various classes of preassociative functions, where preassociativity is a generalization of associativity recently introduced by the authors. These axiomatizations are based on existing characterizations of some noteworthy classes of associative operations, such as the class of Acz\'elian semigroups and the class of t-norms.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1309.730